Tuesday, April 16, 2024

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!??

it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this week to ease all the crazy feelings:

-got a free torta frita from a guy that sells them because i told them they're my favorite thing in Uruguay

-in exchanges i got to visit two of my past areas, paso carrasco and la paz. I felt so lucky to be able to check up on friends, members and converts.

-our friends Miguel and valentín were baptized!! Miguel is an adorable reformed military man and Valentín is best friend of the only deacon in the branch. 

-after praying all transfer to find our family, and contacting literally every family we have seen in the past 6 weeks, my comp and i were thrilled to see a mother and daughter sitting in sacrament this week, along with some of our other friends. They had been invited by a family member in another ward and loved the meeting!!

President shared something in our last mission conference that really stuck with me. He shared a story about Henry b. Eyring's dad, who volunteered on a church-owned farm as an elderly man. After a back-breaking day of weeding in the farm, one of the other workers said "what are you doing?! we've already sprayed weed-killer on this whole part of the farm!"
all of his work was completely unecessary, the weeds would have died on their own. This humble man just laughed and laughed, finally pulling himself together enough to say "i'm not here to pull weeds".

and that's how i feel right now. I'm so thankful to Heavenly Father for letting me work alongside Him, and i plan to keep doing it after the mission. but i know that it's not the work i'm doing here that counts, it's the change it's made in me. It's the way giving my full heart and soul to that work has molded me to become more like my Savior Jesus Christ, who i know loves me and every one of you.

on another note, I'M SO EXCITED TO HUG MY MOM!!!

chau!! con mucho amor,
💌💌hermana webb

ps if you wanna come to my homecoming talk, message me. i still don't know all the deets :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 hey guys!! i'm loving my new area, Pando, it is a lot of walking but my comp and i are getting used to it. we're meeting some amazing ppl here are some of my favs:

miguel- street contact. so converted to Christ i love this man. tells us crazy stories in every charla, last time it was about how he worked in a circus and had a pet bear named Jaqueline that he loved. looks like a hippie-surfer-woodutter with his long hair, bucket hat, and flannels.

andres- other street contact that turned out to be a member, he only remembered when we started teaching the restauración and he was like "wait i got baptized in Colombia!" now he's the only active young member our branch has and he's bringing friends

hna brinton- my comp and one of my fav peeps in pando, she gives her full effort every day and me die laughing. it's been fun to introduce her to the best and worst of uruguay. she's a big fan of bizcochos and soccer, not super into huge rats in the street

this week was crazy, we're growing in faith as a mission and individually. something i've loved has been reading in alma 19 this week about the overwhelming joy that God's love and gospel brings us. so grateful to feel slivers and buckets of that joy every day.

love you guys!!
💌💌 hermana webb

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

eteee cómo es?

 hellooo guys!!

so much news! i had 5 comps in one week last week! dearest hermana gonzales joined our companionship in the last 2 weeks in Paso Carrasco, she brought so much to the companionship and area!! i absolutely love our friends in Paso and feel lucky to have seen them progress and trust in Christ to get over big obstacles. they taught me to trust in God's plan and rely on Him even when everything flips on its head.
which was something i needed when i got the news i would be leaving Paso in transfers!! it was so hard to say goodbye to friends and members that i'd grown to love, most special goodbye was with esther, the grandma from my last email. we teared up bad and she gave me a black-and-white photo of her in the happiest time of her life, i will always treasure it!! runner-up was when a new member brought homeade pasta to our charla bc he remembered it's my fav😥😥
my new area is PANDO!!! we're the first hermanas here in a good long time💅💅 my comp is hna brinton from CA, this is her first transfer in the mission and i'm so hyped to be with her!! her first few hours of missionary work was in a rainstorm and she was a trooper, getting to know this branch is so fun w her!!🌧☔️
this is the first week of my last transfer, i'm so excited to squeeze out all the juice in my little missionary heart these last 6 weeks. and absorb up all i can learn in this time when i'm set apart to be a representative of Jesus!!💘💘 i'm also gonna try to be better ab writing emails this transfer aaahaha.
love you guys!! go read 2 nephi 4:19-21 it's my fav
💌 hermana webb

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

lágrimas 🦋🥊

Eae, blz??
what's up guys! my news is that we had transfers!! i stayed here in Paso but with a new comp, hermana zago from Saó Paolo, Brazil!!  so here are some things that have brought me joy in the past few weeks:
- THE BUTTERFLIES ARE MIGRATING!!! there's literally 5 or 6 of them in front of us at any given moment and it makes me so happy!! we had a week where we played slug bug with butterflies and we finished with lots of bruises lol. 🦋🤕
- one night we were sending messages for our charlas the next day and my comp goes "let's listen to some hymns in chinese really fast". I'm thinking, "ok, a little random but i'm down." she then proceeds to put on hymns in Chinese AT 2X SPEED. I almost spit out my yogurt it was so hilarious, would recommend. 
- we found a new friend named Esther!! i want to be her when i'm 79. i had already contacted her with my last comp so i was kind of hesitant when we turned back to talk to her but then we struck up a conversation about last names and she said we could come back to work on her family history!! so we did, she told us stories about her loved ones and we felt a special peace when we testified of simple truths like prayer and eternal families. then she came to church after just one lesson! please pray that my new uruguayan grandma will understand and act on the Spirit she feels!! 🖼🫂
-miembro that accompanied us in a charla flirting with the friend in the charla ❗️❗️
- had exchanges with one of my fav hermanas and our friend Agustín lent us his boxing gloves. i'm still not sure why.
-recently i've been finding a lot of joy in hymns!! the sacrament hymns for the past few sundays have been answers to prayer, either for me or for friends that are with us. they've been sweet, perfect little gifts only recognizeable to the people who needed them. i know God loves us and is involved in the details of our lives!! i love sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ!! 
chau!! besitos!!

💌💌hermana webb 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 hello everyone!! happy late christmas and new years!! i hope you all had great holidays, i sure did!! topped off by our sweet neighbors offering us champagne to cheer in new years (so glad they didn't get offended when we told them we don't drink)

ok lemme tell you guys a little bit about my new area paso carrasco:
the people here are insane. 
i'm half joking but also not really; everyone here has the absolutest craziest backstory. either they were deep in drugs or they escaped from the law into another country or they were detained by the dictatorship when it governed Uruguay. and if they weren't any of these things, one of their family members was. it's just in the right spot (out of the big city but not into the residential neighborhoods) that makes for peak craziness. i love it.  i'd like to introduce some of my favorite friends:
Juana: we knocked her street one day because we felt like we should, she let us right in and told us she'd been taught by missionaries years ago and only couldn't get baptized because she smoked. then smiled a huge smile and said she doesn't smoke anymore so there's nothing stopping her from joining the church!! she'd been having some family problems and we stopped by right at the exact moment, a miracle for the both of us.
jose: very precious elderly man, we met him one night looking for a house number and he proceeded to hop on his bike and search the whole street for us. he went to church the first week we invited him, the only problem is that we can never find him to have a lesson bc he's always on that cursed bike!! helping people!!
agustin: a young guy that's been taught by missionaries for a few months now (hiiii hna fife) and i constantly forget that he's not a member. can't be baptized until march for some super unjust problems in his life but i've loved seeing how the gospel brings him happiness!! his family has seen the change as well, we're gradually starting to teach his mom!!
not a friend but a story:  this week i was stung by 3 wasps. my ankle was the size of two of my other ankle. i'll put a picture.
in the past few weeks i've seen in very obvious ways how the Lord is constantly involved in our lives. i've seen clearly how experiences from before my mission were all a part of God's plan for me, and i've been able to use them to help the people we teach and contact. God answers our prayers, and sometimes at the same time he uses us to answer the prayers of others!!
have a great week!! les quiero!!
💌hermana webb

Thursday, December 21, 2023

whats up

 hello world!!

sorry i left you guys on a cliff hanger w the last email, my new comp was hna pecho from peru!! loving, lovely, and will be my tour guide because the way she talked about Perú persuaded me to visit!!
got some other news: i was transferred!! so my last transfer i served in La Paz w hna pecho and hna ramirez, it was amazing. we saw miracles, baked cakes, walked in the rain, sang evangelical songs in the streets, made lots of friends. I loved teaching with them, especially to the Lemes family; a house filled with only women. lots of generations who want to learn about Jesus. they have a special place in my heart!
leaving La Paz was harder than i thought it would be. I'm gonna miss the empanadas! and this area was really special for me because as a companionship we worked super hard to strengthen the relationship between the missionaries and the ward, sooooo satisfying but made saying goodbye 3x harder!! La Paz was an absolute dream, the perfect area to share with my ramirito🫶
annddd now i'm in Paso Carrasco!! a little closer to the center of Montevideo. my new comp is hna cerqueira, a small Brazilian woman who reaches my shoulder. she's a bomb of energy and i'm excited to work with her!! i was called to be an hermana líder this transfer, which means i'll get to work with other hermanas and our zone of missionaries to help us reach goals and gozo en la obra. exciting and intimidating!! 
ok think that's all my news. fav scripture i read this week was peter's testimony in Matt. 16:16 "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God"  so much certainty in this statement!! and reminds me HAPPY ONE WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
💌💌hermana webb

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

wack week

 hey guys!!

🫧 some fun news: two of our friends, Mateo and Maria, decided to get baptized a few weeks ago!! a 16 year old boy and 84 year old woman. they're doing so well, maría loves reading her big-letter Book of Mormon and Mateo blessed the sacrament this sunday!!!
🫧 transfer news: i stayed in La Paz with hermana ramirez!! this will be our third transfer living together and i'm so excited!! this woman is a literal ray of sunshine.
🫧 first week with just ramirez and i probably wins weirdest week in my mission. we're talking 6 hours of contacting in the rain, walking outside of our area for a charla, going to the wrong house for lunch and not realizing it until we're 15 mins in, and talking to a reference from a member who we now refer to as testie bestie. all finished off with a call from president that we're going to be getting a new companion in the second week of the transfer. another trio!!
🫧 mixed in with all the craziness we've seen some miracles! we were feeling physically and mentally exhausted one morning because we'd faced a lot of rejection the day before, talking about how we needed a little boost to have more faith in people. the first door we knocked after this conversation, a woman answered and told us "come in!!! i have a question for you guys!!" and we were able to have a little lesson with her and testify that we can be with our loved ones after this life!!! she said this was the first answer she received that brought her peace. so that was really sweet, shout out to flaviana!! i'm so grateful for little miracles like that, they show me that Heavenly Father listens to my prayers!! and remind me that this is His work 👍👍
woooo have a great week!!! love you guys!!
💌 hermana webb

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!?? it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this w...