Tuesday, March 7, 2023


what's up guys

big news from like 3 weeks ago: i got transferred! My new area is called Lomas de Solymar and if that doesn't sound like a kingdom from a children's fantasy book i don't know what does.
My comp and i are both new in lomas and we're the first hermanas they've had in like 20 yrs, which we found out when they gave us a round of applause after we walked in to a ward dinner. The ward is really great, there's a ton of youth who are excited ab missionary work and really willing to come to lessons with us, super rare. Also this area is right on the beach which is a win. 
I'm getting way more comfortable with spanish, this week a half-deaf woman thought i was from Uruguay!! I was immensely flattered.
If you haven't watched the Book of Mormon video for 3 Nephi 17 you really should, it's very precious. It really communicates Christ's love and mercy and joy and just wow it's really good.
have a great week! and tell me about it!!
💌hna webb
Pics: bizcochos on the bus in montevideo, one of my fav members, my comp and i are both peñarol and absolutely freaked when we found out they have a practice field in our area, there's pink trees everywhere that i love, me at the beach, a cottage i WILL MOVE INTO after the mish

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!?? it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this w...