Thursday, June 22, 2023

my dear beloved

 hey guys!!! some things that have happened since my last email:

-my bolivian roommate learned how to say "my dear beloved" and now everytime we leave the house she says "chou my dear beloveds". so cute🫶🫶
-elder suarez visited our mission! i got to shake his hand!!!! he talked to us about urgency and how we are developing spiritual resilience that will last us the rest of our lives. it was so cool to feel the authority and love radiating from him
- we came to the realization that uruguay is really quite close to antarctica and the weather feels like it. its a humid cold that attacks and enters every pore 😁😁
- got to stay in a hotel in montevideo to do migraciones, felt boujee 
- weeee are the champiooonss, uruguay won a really big worldwide soccer tournament 🤘🤘
-the members here are the best, a few of my favs are blanca (93 yr old who sweetly bullies our friends into accepting the gospel) and eliana (who has a glass she will break when i get married, i got it for her bc the other glass was broken by unfortunate and accidental contact with my forehead)
My testimoy of God's love for and awareness of us grows every day! I love you guys!
💌hermana webb

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!?? it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this w...