hellooo lovely people!!🌸🌿
back with another transfer update: i left chuy and my sweet hermana aranda. 'twas sad to say goodbye to the people i've loved for 6 months!! hands-down the hardest despedida was mamita and Adrian, the members we ate lunch with almost every day 😢mamita and i traded earrings (she gave me butterflies!) and then cried a little bit. chuy's always gonna have a special place in my heart❤️🩹
andddd now i'm in an área called La Paz IN A TRIO!! my comps are hermana ramirez and hermana saucedo and we are having a blast, we come home exhausted every day.
some things that have happened since i've been here:
- general conference!! was so good!! we were able to watch with our friends and it was so cool to see how every session responded exactly to their specific doubts or needs. our friend Mateo was wondering if God really exists and is our Father so elder philip's testimony hit him hard, he looked over at us like "wooooow" here's the link if you wanna read the talk:
Elder Phillips teaches that we are children of God, that Jesus Christ redeems us and brings us relief, and that Heavenly Father is perfect and loving. www.churchofjesuschrist.org |
-hit 1 year in the mission!! feel like i'm in a hole of time and space and it's weird. but i'm happy to be happy here!
- learned some more vos because hna saucedo is from argentina and occasionally
uses slang, we walk through the streets shouting "mujerrrrrr ya te dije"
- had a multizone conference with the church leader in charge of our part of South America, Elder Costa. he talked to us about the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and taught us how to use it more in our lives, loved it. THEN my comps and i had to do an impromptu practice of inviting someone to church IN FRONT OF HIM. and half of our mission. very scary but kind of fun.
- HAD 9 FRIENDS AT CHURCH LAST SUNDAY!! pretty much all the people we hoped would come did!! i'm super excited for a part-member family that's been taught by missionaries for a year, they're starting to progress towards baptism! they have 4 little kids that i absolutely adore.
- please pray for maria, mateo, and the rivero family!
i love you all!! and love hearing from you!!
💌💌hermana webb