Tuesday, November 14, 2023

wack week

 hey guys!!

🫧 some fun news: two of our friends, Mateo and Maria, decided to get baptized a few weeks ago!! a 16 year old boy and 84 year old woman. they're doing so well, maría loves reading her big-letter Book of Mormon and Mateo blessed the sacrament this sunday!!!
🫧 transfer news: i stayed in La Paz with hermana ramirez!! this will be our third transfer living together and i'm so excited!! this woman is a literal ray of sunshine.
🫧 first week with just ramirez and i probably wins weirdest week in my mission. we're talking 6 hours of contacting in the rain, walking outside of our area for a charla, going to the wrong house for lunch and not realizing it until we're 15 mins in, and talking to a reference from a member who we now refer to as testie bestie. all finished off with a call from president that we're going to be getting a new companion in the second week of the transfer. another trio!!
🫧 mixed in with all the craziness we've seen some miracles! we were feeling physically and mentally exhausted one morning because we'd faced a lot of rejection the day before, talking about how we needed a little boost to have more faith in people. the first door we knocked after this conversation, a woman answered and told us "come in!!! i have a question for you guys!!" and we were able to have a little lesson with her and testify that we can be with our loved ones after this life!!! she said this was the first answer she received that brought her peace. so that was really sweet, shout out to flaviana!! i'm so grateful for little miracles like that, they show me that Heavenly Father listens to my prayers!! and remind me that this is His work 👍👍
woooo have a great week!!! love you guys!!
💌 hermana webb

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!?? it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this w...