Wednesday, February 21, 2024

lágrimas 🦋🥊

Eae, blz??
what's up guys! my news is that we had transfers!! i stayed here in Paso but with a new comp, hermana zago from Saó Paolo, Brazil!!  so here are some things that have brought me joy in the past few weeks:
- THE BUTTERFLIES ARE MIGRATING!!! there's literally 5 or 6 of them in front of us at any given moment and it makes me so happy!! we had a week where we played slug bug with butterflies and we finished with lots of bruises lol. 🦋🤕
- one night we were sending messages for our charlas the next day and my comp goes "let's listen to some hymns in chinese really fast". I'm thinking, "ok, a little random but i'm down." she then proceeds to put on hymns in Chinese AT 2X SPEED. I almost spit out my yogurt it was so hilarious, would recommend. 
- we found a new friend named Esther!! i want to be her when i'm 79. i had already contacted her with my last comp so i was kind of hesitant when we turned back to talk to her but then we struck up a conversation about last names and she said we could come back to work on her family history!! so we did, she told us stories about her loved ones and we felt a special peace when we testified of simple truths like prayer and eternal families. then she came to church after just one lesson! please pray that my new uruguayan grandma will understand and act on the Spirit she feels!! 🖼🫂
-miembro that accompanied us in a charla flirting with the friend in the charla ❗️❗️
- had exchanges with one of my fav hermanas and our friend Agustín lent us his boxing gloves. i'm still not sure why.
-recently i've been finding a lot of joy in hymns!! the sacrament hymns for the past few sundays have been answers to prayer, either for me or for friends that are with us. they've been sweet, perfect little gifts only recognizeable to the people who needed them. i know God loves us and is involved in the details of our lives!! i love sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ!! 
chau!! besitos!!

💌💌hermana webb 

last one: i'm not here to pick weeds

 what's up guys!! this is my last pday WHAT!!?? it's so bittersweet but here are a few tender mercies Heavenly Father gave me this w...